Growing up I used to freak out when the Dr grabbed my junk and told me to cough and now I’m turned on at the thought of going to the dr and him fucking my ass. How times have changed. I love the taboo of this kind of sex, where a person of authority takes advantage of someone he has some control over. It’s a huge turn and I’ve spilled tons of cum imagining being fucked by my teacher, doctor, coach, and therapist. I love just thinking about how they would take advantage of my asshole.
When you join Doctor Tapes, you’re going to be able to access dozens of high-definition videos of doctors taking advantage of their patients. There is a limit of 30 videos a day so keep that in mind. Each of the videos is accompanied by a photo gallery that is packed with high-resolution photographs. Every month they put out a few updates of both the videos and the photo galleries. Everything you see is 100% site exclusive which is just another great reason to get a 73% off discount to Doctor Tapes.