I’m not the type of guy to fangirl over a beefcake. I like to look, sure, but I’ve always found that mental stimulation does much more to get me interested and drive me wild. Maybe that’s what turns me on to live cam shows so much.
When you watch traditional porn, you are going to see all of the action, which is nice. But you don’t get the personality behind it. Even it’s scripted, that’s acting. They can’t all be pizza boys and stepsons. I want to know what actually makes a hottie tick and turns him on. These Flirt 4 Free male cams give you a chance to discover it for yourself.
I love to tune in and see where a guy is at in his show. If he’s just started and things haven’t warmed up too much, it’s a great way to get to know him. Sometimes in public shows you almost feel a sense of camaraderie as all of you chat and talk, sometimes just getting your hunk to smile is as sexy as making him cum is. Other times, private shows are exactly what I need to form an intimate connection and get him all to myself.